Why Choose NLT?

Register Now / Pay Later:

We do not need payment for our tournaments until closer to tournament time.  Once we are 3-4 weeks out from playing we will send you a link to pay for the tournament. We have found over the years that online payment is the best method to use for our tournaments. Also, in the event of a cancellation or a rain out our refund process is expedited by using online payments.  We also DO NOT charge an administrative fee if you choose to play elsewhere or if you don’t get any games in.  We want your team to play where you feel is best. If that isn’t with us, that is okay!

No “Stay to Play”:

We do not contract with hotels to force teams to “Stay to Play”. Knowing that travel sports are already expensive, one of the ways we keep cost down for parents and coaches is to use facilities in towns / cities that do not contract us to stay in their hotels at an above average rate.  We believe coaches and parents have the right to sleep wherever they want.

Quality Competition:

Most of the teams we host are +A to AA with a few Rec. League all-star teams mixed in as well. Each age division shapes up slightly different. We want to see good competitive baseball games, so we do our best to match up teams that we feel are comparable in skill level on Saturdays.

We stick to an old school approach here… No individual or participation trophies are given out. We give 1 – 1st place award to the winner of the championship game.  2nd place teams do not receive an award.

Never hesitate to reach out to us here at Next Level Tournaments. Any feedback is good feedback!

Thank you again for giving us an opportunity to host your ball club. You will get our best efforts!
(618) 388.1000